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Comment Policy

 Comments are welcomed and encouraged on this site, but there are some instances where comments will be edited or deleted as follows:

  1. Spoiling Content
  2. Definition

    “Comic Info Comment” is a spoiler-free section and is usually used for a general discussion about comic without spoiling any content, hiding spoilers with spoiler tags is not allowed either.

    “Chapter Comment” may contain spoilers for current or previous chapters. Contents from novel or future chapters are considered as spoilers. 

    1st Offense: Warning + Comment deletion.
    2nd Offense Within 30 Days of 1st Offense: Permanent Ban.
  3. Diversion From Topic
  4. Definition

    The comment section should be about the comic on hand. Although references from other comic may be used, the core topic of the comments should be about the comic at hand.

    This rule also applies on advertising other websites which results in an instant ban.

    This rule also applies to spam, posting comments like “first”, “second”, etc. are considered spam.

    1st Offense: Warning + Comment deleted.
    2nd Offense Within 30 Days of 1st Offense: Permanent Ban.
  5. Posting Harmful Link
  6. Definition

    Post of hyperlinks for websites that may contain viruses or may harm your PC or device.

    1st Offense: Permanent Ban + Deletion of All Comments.
  7. Posting NSFW Content
  8. Definition

    Posting contents that are not safe for work, such as pornographic images or video, ecchi, hentai, etc.

    1st Offense: Warning + Comment deletion.
    2nd Offense Within 30 Days of 1st Offense: Permanent Ban.
  9. Inappropriate Profile Picture
  10. Definition

    Using a profile picture that is not safe for work. Although minor ecchi or fanservice is acceptable.

    1st Offense: Warning + Comment deletion.
    2nd Offense Within 30 Days of 1st Offense: Permanent Ban.